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chanuserviewscmntsdate title
tcl xharx 33050 1326 days ago from man update
tcl xharx 29820 1327 days ago errors
tcl xharx 27950 1327 days ago from man update
tcl xharx 25912 1327 days ago update
tcl gay 23850 1327 days ago picoirc WIP testsuite, attempt #3
tcl gay 22990 1327 days ago picoirc WIP testsuite, attempt #2
tcl gay 21220 1327 days ago picoirc WIP testsuite
tcl gay 20550 1327 days ago picoirc test doesn't start
tcl sebres 15830 1328 days ago simplest typed validation using var traces
tcl mjanssen 18270 1333 days ago string makes all the difference
tcl mjanssen 17880 1333 days ago tcl script slow regex
tcl mjanssen 16200 1333 days ago slow psql query
tcl mjanssen 15940 1333 days ago look say
tcl b0t 14310 1334 days ago UTF8 Egg - Works!
tcl oldlaptop 14370 1334 days ago magic meta tag for manpages (seems to help mobile a lot here)
tcl aku 12290 1334 days ago bench.csv
tcl kbk 12980 1334 days ago shudder - try to recover from misencoded channel
tcl kbk 13620 1334 days ago why does españa not equal españa?
tcl Jack 13310 1335 days ago UTF8 codification
tcl kbk 12640 1336 days ago template for event management in a namespace
tcl kbk 12240 1336 days ago run the event loop for a specified time
tcl msiism 21920 1351 days ago _days_in_month
tcl sebres 25930 1357 days ago small tclchat log processor in tcl
tcl mjanssen 24682 1357 days ago act build error
tcl mjanssen 23711 1357 days ago Platform independent exec_tail
tcl karen 21730 1359 days ago Decimal to Binary Helper