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tcl oldlaptop 4450 657 days ago pvnPeter: Does this make it clearer, maybe? I think perhaps you also want curl's --json, not --data
tcl oldlaptop 4380 671 days ago pvnPeter: Maybe inspirational?
tcl oldlaptop 4090 731 days ago reptilian stuff
tcl oldlaptop 3850 737 days ago build output
tcl oldlaptop 4410 752 days ago Maybe this makes clearer what your condition really does. (It's doing exactly what it should.)
tcl oldlaptop 4380 770 days ago tdbc::postgres omitting column type information
tcl oldlaptop 76340 975 days ago This is, perhaps, a start at parsing the output you've shown me.
tcl oldlaptop 67490 976 days ago sebres' test case in 993edf2e640bee9645d42b48866ffdc61dbd40a2 (core-8-6-branch as of now)
tcl oldlaptop 73330 993 days ago it creates "var", and sets the element in p1's array
tcl oldlaptop 44970 1046 days ago valgrind gets very angry
tcl oldlaptop 48240 1062 days ago Better toy demo of the wonders of [grid]'s relative placement feature
tcl oldlaptop 46680 1062 days ago okay, this is how I'd *actually* lay it out :)
tcl oldlaptop 43640 1062 days ago This is how I'd lay it out
tcl oldlaptop 46520 1126 days ago rl_json vs. sqlite json1
tcl oldlaptop 13980 1247 days ago magic meta tag for manpages (seems to help mobile a lot here)
tcl oldlaptop 42090 1347 days ago with the new sqlite3-tcl-3.33.0
tcl oldlaptop 42140 1350 days ago anyhow, there isn't one for 'a' + i, apparently
tcl oldlaptop 28570 1379 days ago rkeene: tklib.diff
tcl oldlaptop 19800 1392 days ago [error] versus [return -code error]
tcl oldlaptop 39850 1462 days ago for what it's worth:
tcl oldlaptop 28360 1563 days ago add critcl to kitcreator