Posted to tcl by oldlaptop at Sat Oct 03 18:38:58 GMT 2020view raw
- % proc foo {n} { if {$n >= 0} { return [::tcl::mathfunc::sqrt $n] } else { error "n must be nonnegative" } }
- % proc bar {n} { if {$n >= 0} { return [::tcl::mathfunc::sqrt $n] } else { return -code error "n must be nonnegative" } }
- % foo 2
- 1.4142135623730951
- % bar 2
- 1.4142135623730951
- % catch {foo -1} err opts
- 1
- % dict get $opts -errorinfo
- n must be nonnegative
- while executing
- "error "n must be nonnegative" "
- (procedure "foo" line 1)
- invoked from within
- "foo -1"
- % catch {bar -1} err opts
- 1
- % dict get $opts -errorinfo
- n must be nonnegative
- while executing
- "bar -1"
- %