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chanuserviewscmntsdate title
tcl emiliano 2600 198 days ago Simple, pure Tcl [sting has]
tcl emiliano 2100 210 days ago tkchat_console diff for Tk9
tcl emiliano 6310 295 days ago [tk systray] baloon bug
tcl emiliano 3650 326 days ago patch to unbreak tablelist_tile and mentry_tile on tklib trunk
tcl emiliano 4180 414 days ago [expr] enabled helper procs
tcl emiliano 3120 429 days ago Tkchat's contact list rowheight
tcl emiliano 3211 460 days ago [text] insert at 1.0 without scrolling
tcl emiliano 3380 492 days ago Errors from tkchat
tcl emiliano 4730 787 days ago tkchat version check bug
tcl emiliano 21180 876 days ago tkUnixSysNotify.c bug
tcl emiliano 38380 1129 days ago chan-io-41.6 failure on NetBSD
tcl emiliano 51270 1516 days ago agreement between [info level] and [return -level] with [next]
tcl emiliano 50340 1519 days ago [entry]'s -textvariable interaction with [upvar]
tcl emiliano 25200 1584 days ago [lmap] performance
tcl emiliano 30520 1588 days ago canvas postscript generation
tcl emiliano 27580 1670 days ago Wrong /bin/test invocation in configure script
tcl emiliano 22030 1682 days ago Simple read only text
tcl emiliano 23271 1683 days ago Simple read only text
tcl Emiliano 30990 2054 days ago string tests failing on 32bit system
tcl emiliano 21600 2221 days ago Some refactoring
tcl Emiliano 14020 3299 days ago [fconfigure]/[chan configure] bug?
tcl Emiliano 12760 3590 days ago tclDictObj compiler warnings
tcl emiliano 12450 4252 days ago bug 3588824 fix proposal
tcl Emiliano 12470 4398 days ago listbox curselection improvement
tcl emiliano 13460 4692 days ago crash with [chan copy]
tcl emiliano 12830 4727 days ago [trace] and bytecompiler