Posted to tcl by arjen at Mon Oct 08 12:58:47 GMT 2012view pretty


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\fancytitle{Transport and fate of nanoparticles}
\fancytitle{in the aquatic environment}
\fancytitle{A.A. Markus}

     \Large Use in consumer products

\caption{Data from: Boxall \emph{et al.} \cite{CurrentFutureExposureNanoparticles}
and Weir \emph{et al.} \cite{TiO2FoodPersonalCare}. Usage per year based on
Lorentz \emph{et al.} \cite{PotentialExposureGermanConsumers} and Loretz \emph{et al.}


\emph{Category}   & \emph{Zinc}   & \emph{Titanium}   & \emph{Silver}  & \emph{Used per}        & \emph{Applications} \\
                  & (g/kg)        & (g/kg)            & (mg/kg)        & \emph{application} (g) & \emph{per year}     \\
Skin cream        &  --           & --                & 20             & 0.84                   & 104                          \\
Sunscreen         &  155          & 50                & --             & 7.9                    & 10.4                         \\
Antiperspirant    &  --           & --                & 20             & 1.3                    & 182                          \\
Shampoo           &  --           & --                & 20             & 9.6                    & 104                          \\
Toothpaste        &  --           & 5                 & 20             & 0.49                   & 520                          \\
Paint/coatings    &  8            & 50                & --             & 0.15 ml/year           & --                           \\
Textiles          &  --           & --                & 1-2000         & --                     & --                           \\
Total usage per   & 5.0 g         & 3.7 g             & 46 mg          & --                     & --                           \\
person per year   &               &                   &                &                        &                              \\
   \caption{Rhine and Meuse in the Netherlands -- to do: better picture}
   \caption{Annual load of zinc (+) and titanium (x) in the Rhine. The bars indicate the standard error in the mean.}
   \caption{Annual load of zinc (+) and titanium (x) in the Meuse. The bars indicate the standard error in the mean.}
