Posted to tcl by arjen at Mon Oct 08 12:58:47 GMT 2012view raw

  1. \documentclass[landscape,a0,final]{a0poster}
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  22. \begin{document}
  23. \fancytitle{Transport and fate of nanoparticles}
  24. \fancytitle{in the aquatic environment}
  25. \fancytitle{A.A. Markus}
  27. \Large Use in consumer products
  28. \normalsize
  30. \begin{table}[h]
  31. \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth}
  32. \caption{Data from: Boxall \emph{et al.} \cite{CurrentFutureExposureNanoparticles}
  33. and Weir \emph{et al.} \cite{TiO2FoodPersonalCare}. Usage per year based on
  34. Lorentz \emph{et al.} \cite{PotentialExposureGermanConsumers} and Loretz \emph{et al.}
  35. \cite{ExposureDataPersonalCare2006}.}
  37. \label{nanoConsumerProducts}
  39. \begin{center}
  40. \begin{tabular}{lccccc}
  41. \hline
  42. \emph{Category} & \emph{Zinc} & \emph{Titanium} & \emph{Silver} & \emph{Used per} & \emph{Applications} \\
  43. & (g/kg) & (g/kg) & (mg/kg) & \emph{application} (g) & \emph{per year} \\
  44. \hline
  45. Skin cream & -- & -- & 20 & 0.84 & 104 \\
  46. Sunscreen & 155 & 50 & -- & 7.9 & 10.4 \\
  47. Antiperspirant & -- & -- & 20 & 1.3 & 182 \\
  48. Shampoo & -- & -- & 20 & 9.6 & 104 \\
  49. Toothpaste & -- & 5 & 20 & 0.49 & 520 \\
  50. Paint/coatings & 8 & 50 & -- & 0.15 ml/year & -- \\
  51. Textiles & -- & -- & 1-2000 & -- & -- \\
  52. \hline
  53. Total usage per & 5.0 g & 3.7 g & 46 mg & -- & -- \\
  54. person per year & & & & & \\
  55. \hline
  56. \end{tabular}
  57. \end{center}
  58. \end{minipage}
  59. \end{table}
  60. %
  61. %
  62. \begin{figure}[h]
  63. \begin{minipage}{0.1\linewidth}
  64. \includegraphics{../rapport/figures/map_rhine_meuse.pdf}
  65. \caption{Rhine and Meuse in the Netherlands -- to do: better picture}
  66. \label{mapRhineMeuse}
  67. \end{minipage}
  68. \end{figure}
  69. %
  70. %
  71. \begin{figure}[h]
  72. \begin{minipage}{0.4\linewidth}
  73. \begin{minipage}{0.49\linewidth}
  74. \includegraphics{../rapport/figures/annual_load_rhine.pdf}
  75. \caption{Annual load of zinc (+) and titanium (x) in the Rhine. The bars indicate the standard error in the mean.}
  76. \label{annualDischargeRhine}
  77. \end{minipage}
  78. \begin{minipage}{0.49\linewidth}
  79. \includegraphics{../rapport/figures/annual_load_meuse.pdf}
  80. \caption{Annual load of zinc (+) and titanium (x) in the Meuse. The bars indicate the standard error in the mean.}
  81. \label{annualDischargeMeuse}
  82. \end{minipage}
  83. \end{minipage}
  84. \end{figure}
  85. %
  87. \end{document}