Posted to tcl by stevel at Wed Feb 13 12:26:33 GMT 2008view pretty

/* Check whether we're running inside a VM, which is a potential risk for
   cryptovariables.  It gets quite tricky to detect the various VMs so for
   now the only one that we detect is the most widespread one, VMware */

#if defined( __WIN32__ )  && !defined( NO_ASM )

BOOLEAN isRunningInVM( void )
        {        unsigned int magicValue, version;

        __try {
        __asm {                push eax
                push ebx
                push ecx
                push edx

                /* Check for VMware via the VMware guest-to-host communications 
                   channel */
                mov eax, 'VMXh'         /* VMware magic value 0x564D5868 */
                xor ebx, ebx            /* Clear parameters register */                mov ecx, 0Ah            /* Get-version command */
                mov dx, 'VX'            /* VMware I/O port 0x5658 */
                in eax, dx                      /* Perform VMware call */                mov magicValue, ebx     /* VMware magic value */
                mov version, ecx        /* VMware version */
                pop edx
                pop ecx
                pop ebx
                pop eax                }
        } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {}
        return( magicValue == 'VMXh' ) ? TRUE : FALSE );

BOOLEAN isRunningInVM( void )
        return( FALSE );
#endif /* __WIN32__ && !NO_ASM */