Posted to tcl by ce_boleary at Sat Jul 04 13:18:23 GMT 2020view pretty

#here I create the dictionary
                    set schPageInfo [dict create  PAGE_NAME $lPageNameStr PAGE_NUM $lPageNum PAGE_WIDTH $lPageWidth PAGE_HEIGHT $lPageHeight]

#here I store that dictonary in 2 other dicts...                    
                    dict set schPageInfoByPageName $lPageNameStr schPageInfo
                    dict set schPageInfoByPageNum $lPageNum schPageInfo

#here I try to get the dictionary from the schPageInfoByPageNum 
               set schPageInfo [dict get $schPageInfoByPageNum $sortedPageNum]
                set lPageNameStr [dict get $schPageInfo PAGE_NAME]
                set lPageWidth [dict get $schPageInfo PAGE_WIDTH]
                set lPageHeight [dict get $schPageInfo PAGE_HEIGHT]

I get this error on the first set lPageNameStr
[    1]missing value to go with key