Posted to tcl by crshults at Tue Sep 26 04:22:59 GMT 2017view pretty

# put this first block into a .tcl file and source into tclsh on the RPi:
package require udp
set sock [udp_open 15351 reuse]
chan configure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -remote { 15351} -broadcast 1
proc read_data {} {puts [chan read $::sock]}
chan event $sock readable read_data
chan puts -nonewline $sock "This is a UDP broadcast message."
proc broadcast {} {chan puts -nonewline $::sock "I am a raspberry pie."; after 2000 broadcast}
vwait forever

# put this block into a .tcl file and source into tclsh on the Windows box:
package require udp
set sock [udp_open 15351 reuse]
chan configure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -remote { 15351} -broadcast 1
proc read_data {} {puts [chan read $::sock]}
chan event $sock readable read_data
chan puts -nonewline $sock "This is a UDP broadcast message."
proc broadcast {} {chan puts -nonewline $::sock "I am a window."; after 2000 broadcast}
vwait forever