Posted to tcl by patthoyts at Thu Aug 24 15:28:10 GMT 2006view raw
- If you want a command line program that runs under Windows using tclsh and not wish then the following code in a .bat or .cmd file ensures tclsh gets lauched and evaluates the contents:
- ::set HEADER { -*- tcl -*-
- @echo off
- echo %~0 %~f0
- if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
- tclsh "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- goto EOF
- :WinNT
- @rem this works for XP - probably not for 2k or NT
- tclsh %~f0 %*
- goto EOF
- }
- # --- cut here ---
- foreach name [lsort [array names env]] {
- set spc [string repeat " " [expr {30 - [string length $name]}]]
- puts [concat $name $spc $env($name)]
- }
- puts "$argv0 $argv"
- puts [info script]
- # --- end ---
- # \
- :EOF