Posted to tcl by Emiliano at Wed Jan 23 14:34:21 GMT 2008view raw
- package require Tk
- package require tile
- ttk::setTheme clam
- proc add.instance { {title {}} } {
- global NB state
- set inst inst[format %04d $state(ID)]
- set pw [ttk::panedwindow $NB.$inst -orient vertical]
- # add the upper text
- set fup [ttk::frame $pw.up -padding 2]
- set txt [add.text $fup]
- #the lower text
- set fdown [ttk::frame $pw.down -padding 2]
- set peer [add.text $fdown $txt]
- # we want the lower pane to be hidden
- grid propagate $fdown 0
- #in the case of resize, the upper pane should take all the space
- $pw add $fup -weight 1
- $pw add $fdown -weight 0
- if {$title eq ""} {
- set title "Untitled-$state(ID)"
- }
- $NB insert end $pw -text $title
- set state($inst.txt) $txt
- set state($inst.peer) $peer
- set state($inst.filename) {}
- set state($inst.modified) 0
- set state($inst.title) $title
- incr state(ID)
- }
- proc add.text { parent {peerof {}} } {
- set vs [ttk::scrollbar $parent.vs -orient vertical]
- set hs [ttk::scrollbar $parent.hs -orient horizontal]
- if {$peerof eq ""} {
- set t [text $parent.txt \
- -yscrollcommand [list $vs set] \
- -xscrollcommand [list $hs set]]
- } else {
- set t [$peerof peer create $parent.txt \
- -yscrollcommand [list $vs set] \
- -xscrollcommand [list $hs set]]
- }
- $vs configure -command [list $t yview]
- $hs configure -command [list $t xview]
- grid $t $vs -sticky news
- grid $hs -sticky news
- grid columnconfigure $parent 0 -weight 1
- grid rowconfigure $parent 0 -weight 1
- return $t
- }
- proc build.gui {} {
- global NB
- set NB [ttk::notebook .nb]
- pack $NB -expand 1 -fill both
- option add *Text.background white
- option add *Text.highlightThickness 0
- option add *Text.borderWidth 1
- option add *Text.selectBorderWidth 0
- }
- proc init {} {
- global state
- set state(ID) 0
- }
- init
- build.gui
- add.instance
- bind all <Control-t> add.instance
- #after pressing ctrl-t, no new tab is shown inmediately
- #it *shows* after a while or after resizing the main window
Posted by jenglish at Tue Feb 05 03:39:40 GMT 2008 [text] [code]
Filed as SF bug #1878298; fixed in CVS 2008-01-29