Posted to tcl by kostix at Sat Dec 22 01:30:10 GMT 2007view raw

  1. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>teacup install tcllibc
  2. INTERNAL ERROR ______________________
  3. INTERNAL ERROR Shell "c:\opt\tcl8.4.15\bin\tclsh.exe" does not exist
  4. INTERNAL ERROR while executing
  6. INTERNAL ERROR (procedure "platform::shell::platform" line 4)
  7. INTERNAL ERROR invoked from within
  8. INTERNAL ERROR "# Compiled -- no source code available
  9. INTERNAL ERROR error "called a copy of a compiled script""
  10. INTERNAL ERROR (procedure "::repository::client::Snit_methodDoResolve" line 1)
  11. INTERNAL ERROR invoked from within
  12. INTERNAL ERROR "# Compiled -- no source code available
  13. INTERNAL ERROR error "called a copy of a compiled script""
  14. INTERNAL ERROR (procedure "::repository::client::Snit_methodResolveEntity" line 1)
  15. INTERNAL ERROR invoked from within
  16. INTERNAL ERROR "# Compiled -- no source code available
  17. INTERNAL ERROR error "called a copy of a compiled script""
  18. INTERNAL ERROR (procedure "::repository::client::Snit_methodinstallEntity" line 1)
  19. INTERNAL ERROR invoked from within
  20. INTERNAL ERROR "# Compiled -- no source code available
  21. INTERNAL ERROR error "called a copy of a compiled script""
  22. INTERNAL ERROR (procedure "::repository::capp::Snit_methodinstall" line 1)
  23. INTERNAL ERROR invoked from within
  24. INTERNAL ERROR "::capp1 install tcllibc"
  25. INTERNAL ERROR ("eval" body line 1)
  26. INTERNAL ERROR invoked from within
  27. INTERNAL ERROR "# Compiled -- no source code available
  28. INTERNAL ERROR error "called a copy of a compiled script""
  29. INTERNAL ERROR ______________________