Posted to tcl by stevel at Thu Jul 20 03:00:11 GMT 2023view raw
- # NAME
- apply - Apply an anonymous function
- **apply ***func* ?*arg1 arg2 \...*?
- The command **apply** applies the function *func* to the arguments *arg1
- arg2 \...* and returns the result.
- The function *func* is a two element list *{args body}* or a three
- element list *{args body namespace}* (as if the **list** command had
- been used). The first element *args* specifies the formal arguments to
- *func*. The specification of the formal arguments *args* is shared with
- the **proc** command, and is described in detail in the corresponding
- manual page.
- The contents of *body* are executed by the Tcl interpreter after the
- local variables corresponding to the formal arguments are given the
- values of the actual parameters *arg1 arg2 \...*. When *body* is being
- executed, variable names normally refer to local variables, which are
- created automatically when referenced and deleted when **apply**
- returns. One local variable is automatically created for each of the
- function\'s arguments. Global variables can only be accessed by invoking
- the **global** command or the **upvar** command. Namespace variables can
- only be accessed by invoking the **variable** command or the **upvar**
- command.
- The invocation of **apply** adds a call frame to Tcl\'s evaluation stack
- (the stack of frames accessed via **uplevel**). The execution of *body*
- proceeds in this call frame, in the namespace given by *namespace* or in
- the global namespace if none was specified. If given, *namespace* is
- interpreted relative to the global namespace even if its name does not
- start with
- The semantics of **apply** can also be described by:
- proc apply {fun args} {
- set len [llength $fun]
- if {($len < 2) || ($len > 3)} {
- error "can't interpret \"$fun\" as anonymous function"
- }
- lassign $fun argList body ns
- set name ::$ns::[getGloballyUniqueName]
- set body0 {
- rename [lindex [info level 0] 0] {}
- }
- proc $name $argList ${body0}$body
- set code [catch {uplevel 1 $name $args} res opt]
- return -options $opt $res
- }
- This shows how to make a simple general command that applies a
- transformation to each element of a list.
- proc map {lambda list} {
- set result {}
- foreach item $list {
- lappend result [apply $lambda $item]
- }
- return $result
- }
- map {x {return [string length $x]:$x}} {a bb ccc dddd}
- 1:a 2:bb 3:ccc 4:dddd
- map {x {expr {$x**2 + 3*$x - 2}}} {-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4}
- 2 -2 -4 -4 -2 2 8 16 26
- The **apply** command is also useful for defining callbacks for use in
- the **trace** command:
- set vbl "123abc"
- trace add variable vbl write {apply {{v1 v2 op} {
- upvar 1 $v1 v
- puts "updated variable to \"$v\""
- }}}
- set vbl 123
- set vbl abc
- proc(n), uplevel(n)
- anonymous function, argument, lambda, procedure,