Posted to tcl by stevel at Thu May 25 01:33:12 GMT 2023view raw
- Error in startup script: bad switch "1": must be -final, -baseurl, -elementstartcommand, -elementendcommand, -characterdatacommand, -processinginstructioncommand, -defaultcommand, -notationdeclcommand, -externalentitycommand, -unknownencodingcommand, -startnamespacedeclcommand, -endnamespacedeclcommand, -ignorewhitecdata, -useForeignDTD, -namespace, -namespaceseparator, -commentcommand, -notstandalonecommand, -startcdatasectioncommand, -endcdatasectioncommand, -elementdeclcommand, -attlistdeclcommand, -startdoctypedeclcommand, -enddoctypedeclcommand, -xmldeclcommand, -paramentityparsing, -entitydeclcommand, -ignorewhitespace, -handlerset, -noexpand, or -validateCmd
- while executing
- "xml::parser -namespace 1"
- (procedure "wrapper::new" line 17)
- invoked from within
- "wrapper::new [list [namespace current]::got_stream $jlibname] [list [namespace current]::end_of_parse $jlibname] [list [namespace current]::dispatc..."
- (procedure "::jlib::new" line 1)
- invoked from within
- "::jlib::new $roster ::tkjabber::ClientCB -iqcommand ::tkjabber::IqCB -messagecommand ::tkjabber::MsgCB -presencecommand ::tkjabber::PresCB -keepal..."
- (procedure "tkjabber::connect" line 27)
- invoked from within
- "tkjabber::connect"
- (procedure "logonChat" line 11)
- invoked from within
- "logonChat"
- (procedure "::tkchat::Init" line 3)
- invoked from within
- "::tkchat::Init"
- ("eval" body line 1)
- invoked from within
- "eval [linsert $argv 0 ::tkchat::Init]"
- (file "/usr/local/tkchat/bin/bin/tkchat.tcl" line 2)
- invoked from within
- "source [file join $dir bin tkchat.tcl]"
- (file "/usr/local/tkchat/bin/AppMain.tcl" line 11)