Posted to tcl by de at Mon Dec 19 08:43:46 GMT 2022view pretty

# Create the data; works with Tcl 8 and 9
set fd [open "data.txt" w+]
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary
puts -nonewline $fd \xc0\x40
close $fd

# Read this with Tcl 9 / current trunk
package require Tcl 9
set fd [open "data.txt"]
fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
puts $data

package require Tcl 9
set fd [open "data.txt"]
fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 -strictencoding 1
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
puts $data

# Create the data
package require Tcl 9
set fd [open "data.txt" w+]
fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
puts -nonewline $fd A\U10FFFFB
close $fd

# Read it back
set fd [open "data.txt"]
fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 -strictencoding 1
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
puts $data