Posted to tcl by kostix at Sun Nov 18 23:45:32 GMT 2007view raw
- #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
- set use_external_tclxml on
- package require -exact jabberlib 0.10.1
- # Possible options:
- if 0 {
- -from SENDER_JID
- -password secret!
- -to {JID1 JID2 ...}
- -type chat
- -subject Test
- -body Yo!
- -tls true
- -verbose true
- -debug true
- }
- array set opts {
- -type normal
- -tls true
- -verbose false
- -debug false
- }
- proc usage {{out stdout}} {
- puts $out "Usage: [file tail $::argv0] OPTIONS
- Required OPTIONS are:
- -from JID -- Message sender.
- -password STRING -- Password to authenticate JID given by \"-from\".
- -to \"JID \[JID ...\]\" -- List of JIDs to send message to, separated by whitespace.\
- Note that this must be a single argument, so quote it if needed.
- -body STRING -- Body of the message.
- Miscellaneous OPTIONS are:
- -type TYPE -- Message type, one of \"normal\" or \"chat\".
- -subject STRING -- Message subject. Usually only relevant for normal messages.
- -tls BOOLEAN -- Use TLS for stream protection (default: yes).
- -host HOSTNAME -- Hostname of the server listed in the \"-from\" JID.
- -port PORT -- Override default post (5222 is selectded if TLS is not used,\
- 5333 -- when it's used).
- -verbose BOOLEAN -- Explain what's happening (default: off).
- -debug BOOLEAN -- Output debug info on the XMPP session (default: off).
- "
- }
- if {$argc == 1 && [string eq [lindex $argv 0] -help]} {
- usage
- exit 0
- }
- if {[file readable .jmsgrc]} {
- set fd [open .jmsgrc]
- set lineno 1
- foreach line [split [read $fd] \n] {
- if {$line == "" || [regexp {^\s*#.*$} $line]} continue
- if {[catch {llength $line} len] || $len < 2} {
- puts stderr "Invalid format at line: $lineno"
- exit 1
- }
- set ::opts(-[lindex $line 0]) [lrange $line 1 end]
- incr lineno
- }
- close $fd
- }
- array set opts $argv
- foreach opt {from to password body} {
- if {![info exists opts(-$opt)]} {
- puts stderr "Required option not specified: -$opt"
- usage stderr
- exit 2
- }
- }
- if {![info exists opts(-debug)] || !$opts(-debug)} {
- proc ::LOG args {}
- }
- proc client:errmsg err {
- return -code error $err
- }
- proc client:status status {
- upvar #0 opts(-verbose) vb
- if {[info exists vb] && $vb} {
- puts $status
- }
- }
- proc on_login {result args} { set ::logged_in [list $result $args] }
- if {![regexp {^(?:([^@]*)@)?([^/]+)(?:/(.*))?$} \
- $opts(-from) -> user server resource]} {
- puts stderr "Sender's JID appears incorrect: $opts(-from)"
- exit 3
- }
- set cmd [list jlib::new]
- foreach var {user server resource} {
- if {[info exists $var]} {
- lappend cmd -$var [set $var]
- }
- }
- set connid [eval $cmd]
- if {![info exists opts(-host)]} {
- set opts(-host) $server
- }
- if {[info exists opts(-tls)] && $opts(-tls)} {
- package require tls
- set transport tls
- if {![info exists opts(-port)]} {
- set opts(-port) 5223
- }
- } else {
- set transport tcp
- if {![info exists opts(-port)]} {
- set opts(-port) 5222
- }
- }
- jlib::connect $connid \
- -transport $transport \
- -host [idna::domain_toascii $opts(-host)] \
- -port $opts(-port) \
- -password $opts(-password)
- client:status Connected
- jlib::login $connid ::on_login
- client:status "Logging in..."
- vwait ::logged_in
- client:status "Logged in"
- if {![string eq [lindex $::logged_in 0] OK]} {
- puts stderr [lindex $::logged_in 1]
- exit 4
- }
- foreach jid [split [regsub -all {\s+} $opts(-to) " "]] {
- if {$jid == ""} {
- puts stderr "No jids to send message to"
- exit 5
- }
- client:status "Sending msg to $jid..."
- set cmd [list jlib::send_msg $jid -connection $connid]
- foreach var {type subject body} {
- if {[info exists opts(-$var)]} {
- lappend cmd -$var [set opts(-$var)]
- }
- }
- set res [eval $cmd]
- if {$res == -1} {
- puts stderr "Failed sending message to $jid, bailing out..."
- exit 6
- }
- }
- jlib::disconnect $connid
- client:status Disconnected