Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Mon Aug 08 19:07:29 GMT 2022view raw
- As suggested by de:
- ### Using `createElementNS`
- ```tcl
- package require tdom
- set xml {
- <ns1:Root xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="">
- <ns1:Item>Here be text</ns1:Item>
- </ns1:Root>}
- dom parse $xml doc
- set root [$doc childNodes]
- set item [$doc createElementNS ns1:Item]
- set text [$doc createTextNode "other text"]
- $item appendChild $text
- $root appendChild $item
- puts [$root asXML]
- ```
- ``` xml
- <ns1:Root xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="">
- <ns1:Item>Here be text</ns1:Item>
- <ns1:Item>other text</ns1:Item>
- </ns1:Root>
- ```
- ### Using `appendFromScript`
- ```tcl
- package require tdom
- set xml {
- <ns1:Root xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="">
- <ns1:Item>Here be text</ns1:Item>
- </ns1:Root>}
- dom parse $xml doc
- dom createNodeCmd -tagName ns1:Item -namespace element my_Itemcmd
- dom createNodeCmd textNode t
- set root [$doc childNodes]
- $root appendFromScript {
- my_Itemcmd {t Othertext}
- }
- puts [$root asXML]
- ```
- ```xml
- <ns1:Root xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="">
- <ns1:Item>Here be text</ns1:Item>
- <ns1:Item>Othertext</ns1:Item>
- </ns1:Root>
- ```