Posted to tcl by apn at Sun Jul 03 03:00:54 GMT 2022view pretty

Run server.tcl in one command window
Run client.tcl in another.

Client output is

d:\src\tcltk\console\tests>tclsh client.tcl

What's the extra blank line <> doing there ?

Files are below:

proc accept {so args} {
    fconfigure $so -translation binary
    puts -nonewline $so "abc\r"
    puts -nonewline $so "\ndef"
    flush $so
    #Now force separate packets
    puts -nonewline $so "ghi\r"
    flush $so
    after 1000
    puts -nonewline $so "\njkl"
    flush $so
    close $so
    set ::done 1

set so [socket -server accept 10000]

vwait done

set chan [socket 10000]
fileevent $chan readable {
    if {[gets $chan line] >= 0} {
        puts <$line>
    } elseif {[eof $chan]} {
        set done 1
fconfigure $chan -blocking 0 -buffering line
vwait done