Posted to tcl by dbohdan at Wed May 05 06:35:00 GMT 2021view pretty
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh # Copyright (c) 2021 D. Bohdan and contributors. # License: MIT. # ============================================================================== # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ============================================================================== package require Tcl 8.7 namespace eval ::pkgfs { variable available { {core tcllib 1.20+} { ref QmRjsBWcu4W78F19vkXeBgwY5m8fpD2A6SHeSCCsAnHh5B checksum 92479b4e7beb8e2682dac733fd5399252f00fe2219d5532d9065aeb634360c49 algo sha256 } {dbohdan autoopts 0.6.1} { ref Qmea9ksHVd8sGTDuREX3jvgeymggnkE3eaWUkXEnS6Y5cH checksum 0102ef871955d26ba17c42d0ec4fcb0e32f67c4b5f1a7b12880456dba199c095 algo sha256 } {dbohdan jimlib 0.15.0} { ref QmSoxa3WhHdDUHQo7JjD4DVn5sUM9sxfDUrSQbhdBNuipQ checksum b413d8938818c4b100b968096a45a0686465bdd53392480a5bdb89ff11fb8329 algo sha256 } {de tdom 0.9.1 x86_64-linux-gnu} { ref QmcC3T579hjjVb88VnM6DzTgSTbNNoqtSdvKzasRfTvCzP checksum fbea1a7654b667047fbee42ae5a96d3bc4c4213f0a692dea9120cf102d5887d4 algo sha256 } {drh wapp 1.0.0} { ref QmUSNZqcQZUunP9gRn2kibz4TqAw1WAzXpdPizBFfQDFEq checksum 86bbb01571ff21db275593d5366febd67fd47635b2c1db6085ef2db257b05c3f algo sha256 } {mpcjanssen fcgi.tcl 0.5} { ref QmeiVCPoBvk9KMU85vKkoAZWekFWggjAp2iAYPkQQpkqi7 checksum 8dd51684a42b489e53b5636280f435fa8161b1a6c51dec766fe87273a85d4a1d algo sha256 } } variable debug [dict getdef [array get ::env] PKGFS_DEBUG false] variable version 0.2.0 } namespace eval ::pkgfs::checksum { variable command set command(sha256) {} } namespace eval ::pkgfs::http { variable client {} variable timeout 60 } namespace eval ::pkgfs::ipfs { variable cacheDir [file normalize ~/.cache/pkgfs/] variable currentGateway 0 variable gateways { } } proc ::pkgfs::configure {} { detect { package require http package require tls http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername true] set ::pkgfs::http::client tcl-http } { exec curl --version set ::pkgfs::http::client curl-cli } { try { exec busybox wget } on error e { if {![string match *--continue* $e]} { error {can't execure busybox wget} } } set ::pkgfs::http::client busybox-wget } { error {no usable HTTPS client} } detect { exec sha256sum << {} set ::pkgfs::checksum::command(sha256sum) sha256sum } { exec busybox sha256sum << {} set ::pkgfs::checksum::command(sha256sum) {busybox sha256sum} } { error {no usable sha256sum} } } proc ::pkgfs::detect args { set errorScript [lindex $args end] set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] set ok false foreach script $args { try { uplevel 1 $script } on ok _ { set ok true break } on error _ {} } if {!$ok} { uplevel 1 $errorScript } } proc ::pkgfs::grab-all {carts {tries 3}} { foreach cart $carts { grab $cart $tries } } proc ::pkgfs::grab {cart {tries 3}} { set pluggedIn false lassign [name-to-ref $cart] metadata fullName debug Grabbing cart $cart debug Full name is $fullName debug Ref is [dict get $metadata ref] for {set i 1} {$i <= $tries} {incr i} { debug Attempt number $i try { set f [ipfs::cache [dict get $metadata ref]] debug Cart is in $f plug-in $f } trap {PKGFS HTTP DOWNLOAD} e { debug HTTP client error: $e } trap {TCL ZIPFS} e { debug zipfs error: $e file delete $f } on ok _ { set pluggedIn true break } } if {!$pluggedIn} { return \ -code error \ -errorcode {PKGFS GRAB} \ [list failed to download and plug in cart $cart] \ } debug inb4 set algo [dict get $metadata algo] set actual [checksum::$algo $f] debug done set expected [dict get $metadata checksum] if {$actual ne $expected} { return \ -code error \ -errorcode {PKGFS GRAB} \ [list wrong $algo checksum $actual for cart $cart] } debug Plugged in $f } proc ::pkgfs::debug args { variable debug if {!$debug} return set caller [dict get [info frame -1] proc] puts stderr [format {PKGFS %-25s %s} $caller $args] } proc ::pkgfs::name-to-ref cart { variable available set len [llength $cart] foreach k [dict keys $available] { if {[lrange $k 0 $len-1] eq $cart} { return [list [dict get $available $k] $k] } } error [list unknown cart: $cart] } proc ::pkgfs::plug-in zip { set new [index-dirs [mount $zip]] lappend ::auto_path {*}$new return $new } proc ::pkgfs::mount zip { set root [zipfs root] set dest $root[file rootname [file tail $zip]] zipfs mount $dest $zip return $dest } proc ::pkgfs::index-dirs path { lmap f [zipfs list -glob $path*] { if {[file tail $f] ne {pkgIndex.tcl}} continue file dirname $f } } proc ::pkgfs::checksum::sha256 path { variable command lindex [exec {*}$command(sha256sum) $path] 0 } proc ::pkgfs::ipfs::cache src { variable cacheDir file mkdir $cacheDir set dest [file join $cacheDir $src] if {[file exists $dest]} { ::pkgfs::debug Destination exists return $dest } ::pkgfs::debug Downloading download $src $dest return $dest } proc ::pkgfs::ipfs::download {src dest} { variable currentGateway variable gateways set gateway [lindex $gateways $currentGateway] set currentGateway [expr { ($currentGateway + 1) % [llength $gateways] }] ::pkgfs::debug Chose gateway $gateway ::pkgfs::http::download [format $gateway $src] $dest } proc ::pkgfs::http::download {url dest} { variable client try { ::pkgfs::debug Download client: $client $client $url $dest } on error {e opts} { dict set opts -errorcode {PKGFS HTTP DOWNLOAD} return -code error {*}$opts $e } } proc ::pkgfs::http::busybox-wget {url dest} { variable timeout # BusyBox wget never checks certificates. exec busybox wget \ --no-check-certificate \ -O $dest \ -q \ $url \ } proc ::pkgfs::http::curl-cli {url dest} { variable timeout exec curl \ --fail \ --location \ --max-time $timeout \ --output $dest \ --silent \ $url \ } proc ::pkgfs::http::tcl-http {src dest} { variable timeout try { set token [http::get $url -timeout ${timeout}000 set data [http::data $token] set ch [open $dest wb] puts -nonewline $ch $data } finally { catch { http::cleanup $token } catch { close $ch } } } ::pkgfs::configure package provide pkgfs 0