Posted to tcl by no one at Tue Apr 27 17:02:16 GMT 2021view pretty

#														#
#					   DATA_INIT						        #
#														#

# Write some vert lines to the screen
# Starting at address 0x20000000, Ending at address 0x2002A300.

for {set i 0} {$i < 720} {incr i} {
	set [format %x k] [ expr {0x20000000 + $i*4*3840} ]

	for {set j 0} {$j < 3840} {incr j} {
		if {$j/3 < 1280} { master_write_16 $mpath $k 0xFF000000 
		} elseif {$j/3 < 2560} { master_write_16 $mpath $k 0x00FF0000
		} else { master_write_16 $mpath $k 0x0000FF00 }   	