Posted to tcl by Pitol7Pi at Thu Apr 30 15:30:05 GMT 2020view pretty
set addon_save_sync_info__tcl_list_from_attr(1) {SYNC 1 1;SYNC 2 2;K1_SP4_SPA_FINISH_TURN 4} set addon_save_sync_info__tcl_list_from_attr(2) {SYNC 1 1;K2_SP4_SPA_GROOVE_OD 4;K2_SP4_SPA_SQUARE_SIDE_3_CUTCOM_SPA_DRILLING_FRONT 4;SYNC 2 2} set listlen(1) [expr [llength [split $addon_save_sync_info__tcl_list_from_attr(1) ";"]] - 1] set listlen(2) [expr [llength [split $addon_save_sync_info__tcl_list_from_attr(2) ";"]] - 1] puts $listen(1) puts $listen(2) definition of the value of 'noop' list entry set noop "NOOP -1" if {$listlen(1) >= $listlen(2)} { set listlen(max) $listlen(1) } else { set listlen(max) $listlen(2) } # save the lists set lists(1) [split $addon_save_sync_info__tcl_list_from_attr(1) ";"] set lists(2) [split $addon_save_sync_info__tcl_list_from_attr(2) ";"] # indicator to find the first sync marker in each list (channel) set sync_found(1) -1 set sync_found(2) -1 # counter set i 0 # loop until list lengths are equal # while {$listlen(1) != $listlen(2) || $i < $listlen(max)} {} while {$listlen(1) != $listlen(2)} { # getting first element from each list set element(1) [lindex $lists(1) $i] set element(2) [lindex $lists(2) $i] if {$sync_found(1) == -1 || $sync_found(2) == -1} { # searching the elements for the keyword 'SYNC' # to jump over macros as start op set sync_found(1) [lsearch -exact $element(1) "SYNC"] set sync_found(2) [lsearch -exact $element(2) "SYNC"] } if {$sync_found(1) > -1 && $sync_found(2) > -1} { # so if we found the first sync, then we are able to get # the next element of each list set nxt_element(1) [lindex $lists(1) [expr $i + 1]] set nxt_element(2) [lindex $lists(2) [expr $i + 1]] if {[lindex $nxt_element(1) 0] == "SYNC"} { # setting start counter to the element index set ii [expr $i + 1] # loop until keyword 'SYNC' has been found while {[lindex $nxt_element(2) 0] != "SYNC"} { # insert the 'noop' in list 1 set lists(1) [linsert $lists(1) $ii $noop] # increment the counter incr ii # setting the element to be checked to the next list element set nxt_element(2) [lindex $lists(2) $ii] if {$ii > $listlen(max)} { #puts "NOOP MAX ENDLOSSCHLEIFE KANAL 1" break } } # check if the first list element of next element is 'SYNC' } elseif {[lindex $nxt_element(2) 0] == "SYNC"} { #puts "22222: nxt_element(2)=$nxt_element(2)" set ii [expr $i + 1] # loop until keyword 'SYNC' has been found while {[lindex $nxt_element(1) 0] != "SYNC"} { #puts "22222 while: nxt_element(1)=$nxt_element(1)" # insert the 'noop' in list 2 set lists(2) [linsert $lists(2) $ii $noop] # increment the counter incr ii # setting the element to be checked to the next list element set nxt_element(1) [lindex $lists(1) $ii] if {$ii > $listlen(max)} { #puts "NOOP MIN ENDLOSSCHLEIFE KANAL 2" break } } } # set new list lengths, because we probably inserted elements set listlen(1) [expr [llength $lists(1)] - 1] set listlen(2) [expr [llength $lists(2)] - 1] if {$listlen(1) >= $listlen(2)} { set listlen(max) $listlen(1) } else { set listlen(max) $listlen(2) } } # next element of the lists incr i # avoiding infinity loop, if no sync event has been set if {$i > $listlen(max)} { puts "ENDLOSSCHLEIFE" return } } puts $lists(1) puts $lists(2)
Posted by Pistol7Pi at Thu Apr 30 15:32:46 GMT 2020 [text] [code]
Acutal result {SYNC 1 1} {NOOP -1} {NOOP -1} {SYNC 2 2} {K1_SP4_SPA_FINISH_TURN 4} {SYNC 1 1} {K2_SP4_SPA_GROOVE_OD 4} {K2_SP4_SPA_SQUARE_SIDE_3_CUTCOM_SPA_DRILLING_FRONT 4} {SYNC 2 2} Result should be: {SYNC 1 1} {NOOP -1} {NOOP -1} {SYNC 2 2} {K1_SP4_SPA_FINISH_TURN 4} {SYNC 1 1} {K2_SP4_SPA_GROOVE_OD 4} {K2_SP4_SPA_SQUARE_SIDE_3_CUTCOM_SPA_DRILLING_FRONT 4} {SYNC 2 2} {NOOP -1}