Posted to tcl by Emiliano at Fri Nov 09 22:40:05 GMT 2007view raw
- package require Tk
- package require http
- #procedure callback to actualize the status of the downloads
- proc showProgress {part_id token total actual} {
- global w part
- $w($part_id.progress) configure -value $actual
- $w($part_id.percent) configure -text \
- [format {%5.1f%%} [expr {double($actual)/$total*100}]]
- }
- #procedure callback when each connection finalize
- proc finalize {tok} {
- global state part
- incr state(active) -1
- http::cleanup $tok
- if {$state(active) == 0} {
- set fd [open $state(targetFile) w]
- fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $state(pieces)} {incr i} {
- seek $part($i.fd) 0
- fcopy $part($i.fd) $fd
- close $part($i.fd)
- file delete $part($i.filename)
- }
- close $fd
- exit
- }
- }
- #build the gui
- proc gui {} {
- global w state part
- . configure -background \
- [ttk::style lookup $::ttk::currentTheme -background]
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $state(pieces)} {incr i} {
- set l [ttk::label .l_$i -text "Part $i:"]
- set w($i.progress) [ttk::progressbar .pbar_$i -maximum $part($i.size)]
- set w($i.percent) [ttk::label .p_$i -text " 0.0%"]
- grid $l $w($i.progress) $w($i.percent) -padx 3 -pady 3
- grid configure $w($i.progress) -sticky ew
- }
- set dest [ttk::label .dest -text "File downloaded in folder: [pwd]"]
- grid $dest - - -sticky ew
- grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1
- }
- # get the size of the file to download
- proc getSize {} {
- global state
- set tok [http::geturl $state(url) -validate 1]
- set state(size) [set ${tok}(totalsize)]
- http::cleanup $tok
- }
- #main procedure
- proc main {} {
- global state part
- set state(targetFile) [lindex [split $state(url) /] end]
- #the getSize proc may block the script, so first hide the main window
- wm state . withdrawn
- getSize
- set pSize [expr {$state(size)/$state(pieces)}]
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $state(pieces) } {incr i} {
- set from [expr { ($i-1) * $pSize }]
- set to [expr { $i * $pSize - 1 }]
- if {$i == $state(pieces)} {
- set to [expr {$state(size) - 1}]
- }
- set part($i.size) [expr {$to - $from + 1}]
- set part($i.filename) $state(targetFile).part$i
- set part($i.fd) [open $part($i.filename) w+]
- fconfigure $part($i.fd) -translation binary -encoding binary
- set part($i.token) [http::geturl $state(url) \
- -binary 1 \
- -channel $part($i.fd) \
- -headers [list Range "bytes=$from-$to"] \
- -command finalize \
- -progress [list showProgress $i]]
- }
- if [catch {ttk::setTheme xpnative}] {ttk::setTheme clam}
- gui
- #now show the main window
- wm state . normal
- set state(active) $state(pieces)
- }
- #by default we split the file in 4 pieces
- set state(pieces) 4
- if {$argc < 1 || $argc > 2} {
- puts "Usage: $argv0 url \[pieces\]"
- exit
- } else {
- set state(url) [lindex $argv 0]
- if {$argc == 2} {
- set state(pieces) [lindex $argv 1]
- }
- }
- if 0 {
- set state(url)
- }
- main