Posted to tcl by hypnotoad at Tue Nov 12 19:51:56 GMT 2019view raw

  1. ###
  2. # Return the string to pass to ./configure to compile the Tcl core for the given OS.
  3. # [list_begin itemized]
  4. # [item] windows: --with-tzdata --with-encoding utf-8
  5. # [item] macosx: --enable-corefoundation=yes --enable-framework=no --with-tzdata --with-encoding utf-8
  6. # [item] other: --with-tzdata --with-encoding utf-8
  7. # [list_end]
  8. ###
  9. proc ::practcl::platform::tcl_core_options {os} {
  10. ###
  11. # Download our required packages
  12. ###
  13. set tcl_config_opts {}
  14. # Auto-guess options for the local operating system
  15. switch $os {
  16. windows {
  17. #lappend tcl_config_opts --disable-stubs
  18. }
  19. linux {
  20. }
  21. macosx {
  22. lappend tcl_config_opts --enable-corefoundation=yes --enable-framework=no
  23. }
  24. }
  25. lappend tcl_config_opts --with-tzdata --with-encoding utf-8
  26. return $tcl_config_opts
  27. }
  29. proc ::practcl::platform::tk_core_options {os} {
  30. ###
  31. # Download our required packages
  32. ###
  33. set tk_config_opts {}
  35. # Auto-guess options for the local operating system
  36. switch $os {
  37. windows {
  38. }
  39. linux {
  40. lappend tk_config_opts --enable-xft=no --enable-xss=no
  41. }
  42. macosx {
  43. lappend tk_config_opts --enable-aqua=yes
  44. }
  45. }
  46. return $tk_config_opts
  47. }