Posted to tcl by aspect at Thu Feb 28 01:12:20 GMT 2019view raw
- cd "$ENV/src"
- VFS=myproject.vfs
- HOST=$(uname -s)
- ARCH=$(uname -m)
- mkdir $VFS
- teapot-client get $VFS $HOST $ARCH tls
- mkdir $VFS/bin
- echo > $VFS/bin/wgetcl '#!/usr/bin/env tclkit
- # magic to resolve symlink
- lappend auto_path [file normalize [file normalize [info script]/_]/../../../lib]
- package require http
- package require tls
- http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
- proc main {url} {
- set tok [http::geturl $url]
- puts [http::data $tok]
- }
- main {*}$::argv
- '
- chmod +x $VFS/bin/wgetcl
- ln -s $(realpath $VFS/bin/wgetcl) $ENV/bin/wgetcl
- echo "Now you can run $ENV/bin/wgetcl and it will use the tls package installed in $VFS"
- NORMAL >>[+]