Posted to tcl by hypnotoad at Mon Feb 04 18:53:33 GMT 2019view raw

  1. Sample trace of digesting a short story:
  4. ***
  6. Edgar Allen Poe was born in Boston in 1809 but grew up in Richmond, Virginia and attended the University
  7. of Virginia. Poes early years were plagued by the death of Poes mother when Poe was two,
  8. Poes first love when Poe was 15, and Poes foster mother when Poe was 20. After dropping out
  9. of college and getting expelled from West Point, Poe took a job as an editor at the Southern
  10. Literary Messenger in Richmond. Poes controversial fiction and scathing book reviews boosted
  11. the magazines circulation seven times in seventeen months, and Poe only got fired twice in the
  12. process. After Poes second termination, Poe took a series of editorial positions at the leading
  13. magazines in Philadelphia and New York and supplemented his income with lectures and public
  14. readings. Poes short story The Gold Bug was a smash hit, but the publication of The Raven
  15. made Poe internationally famous (while only earning him about $15).
  17. ***
  18. ***
  19. {Edgar Allen Poe} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  20. was {stem be pos v wordid 12254 morph 1}
  21. born {stem bear pos v wordid 12366 morph 1}
  22. in {pos preposition}
  23. Boston {pos n proper_noun 1}
  24. in {pos preposition}
  25. 1809 {pos n proper_noun 1}
  26. but {pos preposition}
  27. grew {stem grow pos v wordid 60126 morph 1}
  28. up {pos preposition}
  29. in {pos preposition}
  30. {Richmond , Virginia} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  31. and {pos conjunction}
  32. attended {pos {s a} all_pos {s a} wordid 9501}
  33. {the University of Virginia} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  34. . {pos {}}
  35. ***
  36. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  37. early {pos {a s r} all_pos {a s r} wordid 39977}
  38. years {pos n all_pos n wordid 145867}
  39. were {stem be pos v wordid 12254 morph 1}
  40. plagued {pos v lcs {plagu 0 5} stem plagu all_pos {} tense past}
  41. by {pos preposition}
  42. the {pos n proper_noun 1}
  43. death {pos n all_pos n wordid 33939}
  44. of {pos preposition}
  45. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  46. mother {pos {n v} all_pos {n v} wordid 86392}
  47. when {pos conjunction}
  48. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  49. was {stem be pos v wordid 12254 morph 1}
  50. two {pos {n s} all_pos {n s} wordid 135931}
  51. , {pos {}}
  52. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  53. first {pos {n s a r} all_pos {n s a r} wordid 48546}
  54. love {pos {n v} all_pos {n v} wordid 79048}
  55. when {pos conjunction}
  56. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  57. was {stem be pos v wordid 12254 morph 1}
  58. 15 {pos n proper_noun 1}
  59. , {pos {}}
  60. and {pos conjunction}
  61. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  62. {foster mother} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  63. when {pos conjunction}
  64. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  65. was {stem be pos v wordid 12254 morph 1}
  66. 20 {pos n proper_noun 1}
  67. . {pos {}}
  68. ***
  69. After {pos preposition}
  70. dropping {stem drop pos v wordid 39116 morph 1}
  71. {out of} {pos preposition}
  72. college {pos n all_pos n wordid 27062}
  73. and {pos conjunction}
  74. getting {stem get pos v wordid 57206 morph 1}
  75. expelled {stem expel pos v wordid 44647 morph 1}
  76. from {pos preposition}
  77. {West Point} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  78. , {}
  79. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  80. took {stem take pos v wordid 129179 morph 1}
  81. a {pos n all_pos n wordid 334}
  82. job {pos {n v} all_pos {n v} wordid 71904}
  83. as {pos preposition}
  84. an {pos n all_pos n wordid 5082}
  85. editor {pos n all_pos n wordid 40546}
  86. at {pos preposition}
  87. {the Southern Literary Messenger} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  88. in {pos preposition}
  89. Richmond {pos n proper_noun 1}
  90. . {pos {}}
  91. ***
  92. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  93. controversial {pos a all_pos a wordid 29395}
  94. fiction {pos n all_pos n wordid 47854}
  95. and {pos conjunction}
  96. scathing {pos s all_pos s wordid 114943}
  97. book {pos {n v} all_pos {n v} wordid 15956}
  98. reviews {pos n lcs {review 0 6} stem review wordid 110554 all_pos {n v} noun_form plural}
  99. boosted {pos v lcs {boost 0 5} stem boost wordid 16073 all_pos {n v} tense past}
  100. the {pos n proper_noun 1}
  101. magazine¼s {pos n lcs {magazine¼ 0 9} stem magazine¼ all_pos {} noun_form plural}
  102. circulation {pos n all_pos n wordid 25044}
  103. seven {pos {n s} all_pos {n s} wordid 117566}
  104. times {pos n all_pos n wordid 132530}
  105. in {pos preposition}
  106. seventeen {pos {n s} all_pos {n s} wordid 117583}
  107. months {pos n lcs {month 0 5} stem month wordid 86007 all_pos n noun_form plural}
  108. , {pos {}}
  109. and {pos conjunction}
  110. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  111. only {pos {s r} all_pos {s r} wordid 92736}
  112. got {stem get pos v wordid 57206 morph 1}
  113. fired {pos s all_pos s wordid 48492}
  114. twice {pos r all_pos r wordid 135870}
  115. in {pos preposition}
  116. the {pos n proper_noun 1}
  117. process {pos {n v} all_pos {n v} wordid 104236}
  118. . {pos {}}
  119. ***
  120. After {pos preposition}
  121. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  122. second {pos {n v a s r} all_pos {n v a s r} wordid 116094}
  123. termination {pos n all_pos n wordid 130790}
  124. , {pos {}}
  125. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  126. took {stem take pos v wordid 129179 morph 1}
  127. a {pos n all_pos n wordid 334}
  128. series {pos n all_pos n wordid 117314}
  129. of {pos preposition}
  130. editorial {pos {n a} all_pos {n a} wordid 40549}
  131. positions {pos n lcs {posit 0 5} stem posit wordid 102495 all_pos {n v} noun_form plural}
  132. at {pos preposition}
  133. the {pos n proper_noun 1}
  134. leading {pos {n a s} all_pos {n a s} wordid 75839}
  135. magazines {pos n lcs {magazine 0 8} stem magazine wordid 80200 all_pos n noun_form plural}
  136. in {pos preposition}
  137. Philadelphia {pos n proper_noun 1}
  138. and {pos conjunction}
  139. {New York} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  140. and {pos conjunction}
  141. supplemented {pos v lcs {supplem 0 7} stem supplem all_pos {} tense past}
  142. his {pos pronoun pronoun_type personal prounoun_case posessive gender male}
  143. income {pos n all_pos n wordid 68052}
  144. with {pos preposition}
  145. lectures {pos n lcs {lecture 0 7} stem lecture wordid 76046 all_pos {n v} noun_form plural}
  146. and {pos conjunction}
  147. public {pos {n s a} all_pos {n s a} wordid 105483}
  148. readings {pos n lcs {read 0 4} stem read wordid 108120 all_pos {n v} noun_form plural}
  149. . {pos {}}
  150. ***
  151. Poe¼s {pos n proper_noun 1}
  152. {short story} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  153.  {pos {}}
  154. {The Gold Bug} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  155.  {pos {}}
  156. was {stem be pos v wordid 12254 morph 1}
  157. a {pos n all_pos n wordid 334}
  158. {smash hit} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  159. , {pos {}}
  160. but {pos preposition}
  161. the {pos n proper_noun 1}
  162. publication {pos n all_pos n wordid 105540}
  163. of {pos preposition}
  164.  {pos {}}
  165. {The Raven} {pos n proper_noun 1}
  166.  {pos {}}
  167. made {stem make pos v wordid 80590 morph 1}
  168. Poe {pos n proper_noun 1}
  169. internationally {pos r all_pos r wordid 69837}
  170. famous {pos s all_pos s wordid 46786}
  171. ( {pos {}}
  172. while {pos n all_pos n wordid 143379}
  173. only {pos {s r} all_pos {s r} wordid 92736}
  174. earning {pos v lcs {earn 0 4} stem earn wordid 39996 all_pos v tense {present participle}}
  175. him {pos pronoun pronoun_type personal prounoun_case objective gender male}
  176. about {pos preposition}
  177. {$15} {pos {n s} all_pos {n s} wordid 73}
  178. ) {pos {}}
  179. . {pos {}}
  180. *** DONE ***