Posted to tcl by Emiliano at Fri Nov 02 16:05:43 GMT 2007view raw

  1. --- tkfbox.tcl.orig 2007-11-02 13:02:34.000000000 -0300
  2. +++ tkfbox.tcl 2007-11-02 13:04:25.000000000 -0300
  3. @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
  4. catch {$data(sbar) configure -highlightthickness 0}
  5. set data(canvas) [canvas $w.cHull.canvas -highlightthick 0 \
  6. -width 400 -height 120 -takefocus 1]
  7. - $data(canvas) configure -background \
  8. + $data(canvas) configure -background white;# why this? I find white better \
  9. [ttk::style lookup $::ttk::currentTheme -background]
  10. pack $data(sbar) -side bottom -fill x -padx 2 -in $w.cHull -pady {0 2}
  11. pack $data(canvas) -expand yes -fill both -padx 2 -pady {2 0}
  12. @@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@
  14. # grid the widgets in f2
  15. #
  16. - grid $f2.lab $f2.ent $data(okBtn) -padx 4 -sticky ew
  17. + grid $f2.lab $f2.ent $data(okBtn) -padx 4 -pady 3 -sticky ew
  18. grid configure $f2.ent -padx 2
  19. if {$class eq "TkFDialog"} {
  20. grid $data(typeMenuLab) $data(typeMenuBtn) $data(cancelBtn) \
  21. @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@
  22. # Pack all the frames together. We are done with widget construction.
  23. #
  24. pack $f1 -side top -fill x -pady 4
  25. - pack $f2 -side bottom -fill x
  26. + pack $f2 -side bottom -fill x -pady 4
  27. pack $data(icons) -expand yes -fill both -padx 4 -pady 1
  29. # Set up the event handlers that are common to Directory and File Dialogs