Posted to tcl by colin at Sat Nov 17 10:04:40 GMT 2018view pretty

lassign $argv overhead

if {$overhead eq ""} {
    set overhead 3

try {
    # calculate o/s max fd limit for Linux
    lindex [split [exec -- prlimit --output SOFT --nofile] \n] end
} on ok {maxfiles} {
    # works for Linux    
} on error {e eo} {
    set maxfiles 1024	;# I have no idea what value this is for your system
puts stderr maxfiles:$maxfiles

set count [llength [chan names]]
while {$count < $maxfiles-$overhead} {
    open [info script]
    incr count
puts Opened:[llength [chan names]]

proc Connected {args} {
    puts stderr Connected:$args

::socket -server ::Connected 8091

vwait forever