Posted to tcl by sebres at Thu Nov 08 17:18:46 GMT 2018view pretty

$ git-rebase2fossil --help

Rebase branch from git to fossil.
Copyright (C) 2015- by Sergey G. Brester aka sebres.


  git-rebase2fossil [<options>] <git-revision-range>


  --fossil-branch <fossil branch>     - branch to commit in fossil (auto-created if not exists, default current branch)
  -fb <fossil branch>

  --git-branch <git branch>           - branch in git used for rebase process (default rebase2fossil/tmp)
  -b <git branch>

  --to <fossil path>
  --fossil-path <fossil path>         - export path to fossil working copy where to rebase to (default current folder)
  -t <fossil path>

  --from <git path>
  --git-path <git path>               - import path to git working copy (rebase from, default current folder)
  -f <git path>

  --diff-tree <diff-tree-args>        - arguments to get git diff-tree (default -m (include files from merge-commits))

  --git-log <args>                    - arguments to retrieve revision list from git (using "git log"), for example
                                        commits of author can be filtered with --git-log "--author=name"

  --mode <mode>                       - mode used to transmit files (default "patch"), unsafe if mode "copy" used
  -md <mode>

  --short                             - short output during test (no file listing, etc)

  --ignore-files <mask-list>          - ignore files masks (as tcl valid list)

  --ignore-revs <list>                - ignore commits
  --ignore-commits <list>

  --go                                - do the rebase (default test only)


  git-rebase2fossil master..HEAD