Posted to tcl by CecilWesterhof at Thu Jun 28 10:19:59 GMT 2018view pretty

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

package require Tk

set brewLen 7
set viewLen 10

wm resizable . 0 0
wm title . "Tea Application"
ttk::notebook .nb
option add *Listbox.font TkFixedFont

frame .f1
listbox .f1.brew                 \
    -exportselection 0           \
    -height          ${brewLen}  \
    -selectmode      single      \
    -width           40
bind .f1.brew <Double-1> {makeTea %W}

listbox .f1.latest               \
    -exportselection 0           \
    -height          ${brewLen}  \
    -state           disabled    \
    -width           40

button .f1.btn -text Refresh -command refreshTeaList

grid .f1.brew .f1.latest .f1.btn
grid .f1.btn -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 10

frame .f2
listbox .f2.inStock              \
    -exportselection 0           \
    -height          ${viewLen}  \
    -state           disabled    \
    -width           40

button .f2.btn -text Refresh -command refreshTeaInStock

grid .f2.inStock .f2.btn

frame .f3
listbox .f3.outStock             \
    -exportselection 0           \
    -height          ${viewLen}  \
    -state           disabled    \
    -width           40

button .f3.btn -text Refresh -command refreshTeaOutStock

grid .f3.outStock .f3.btn

frame .f4
listbox .f4.allTeas              \
    -exportselection 0           \
    -height          ${viewLen}  \
    -state           disabled    \
    -width           40

button .f4.btn -text Refresh -command refreshTeaAll

grid .f4.allTeas .f4.btn

.nb  add  .f1 -text "Brew Tea"
.nb  add  .f2 -text "In Stock"
.nb  add  .f3 -text "Out Stock"
.nb  add  .f4 -text "All Teas"
pack .nb


Posted by emiliano at Thu Jun 28 12:22:15 GMT 2018 [text] [code]

you can refactor the last three tabs in a loop, as follows: foreach tab {"Tea In Stock" "Tea Out Stock" "All Teas"} \ cmd {refreshTeaInStock refreshTeaOutStock refreshTeaAll} { set f .f[string map {" " ""} $tab] frame $f listbox $ button $f.btn -text Refresh -command $cmd grid $ $f.btn }

Posted by CecilWesterhof at Thu Jun 28 15:03:24 GMT 2018 [text] [code]

I have done that. Thanks. I also changed the refresh function. When I want to refresh a tab, I should also refresh the other two. So I got rid of the cmd variable and use refreshAll.