Posted to tcl by stu at Wed Feb 21 19:17:16 GMT 2018view pretty

proc giantSquid {q} {
	foreach v [lsearch -all -inline [tdbc::tokenize $q] :*] {
		set k [string range $v 1 end]
		uplevel 1 [subst -nocommands {if {![info exists $k]} { error {Billy sez: "My dog's name is: '$k'!"}}}]
	return $q

# Usage:

# set query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table(data)` WHERE `this`=:that AND `command`=:command AND `data`=:insert"
# if {![$tdbc(1) allrows -as lists [giantSquid $query]]} { ... }

# Test:
package require tdbc
proc z {} {
	set table(data) cow
	set that that
	set command command
	set insert insert
	set q "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table(data)` WHERE `this`=:that AND `command`=:command AND `data`=:insert"
	puts [giantSquid $q]