Posted to tcl by patthoyts at Tue Oct 02 23:43:24 GMT 2007view pretty

# Demo spare window in the taskbar when using embedded safetk in a toplevel
# The Main function is ok, only one taskbar entry created, but when we launch the
# Dialog function we get a new black - we shouldn't because the dialog is 
# transient.

proc Dialog {} {
    set dlg [toplevel .dlg -container 1]
    wm transient $dlg .
    wm title $dlg "SafeTk in dialog"
    safe::interpCreate dialog
    safe::loadTk dialog -use $dlg
    interp eval dialog {. configure -background red}
    bind $dlg <Destroy> [list interp delete dialog]
    .l configure -text "container: [winfo id $dlg]\
        slave: [interp eval dialog {winfo id .}]"

proc Main {} {
    wm title . "Embed test"
    frame .f -container 1
    label .l -text "" -anchor nw
    button .b -text Exit -command {set ::forever 1}
    button .b1 -text Dialog -command {Dialog}
    safe::interpCreate slave
    safe::loadTk slave -use .f
    slave eval {. configure -background blue}
    grid .f - -sticky news
    grid .l - -sticky news
    grid .b1 .b -sticky e
    grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
    bind . <Control-F2> {console show}
    tkwait variable ::forever

if {!$tcl_interactive} {
    set r [catch [linsert $argv 0 Main] err]
    if {$r} {tk_messageBox -icon error -message $::errorInfo}
    exit $r