Posted to tcl by mjanssen at Tue Oct 02 16:14:16 GMT 2007view pretty

# the following proc decodes NTLM messages to aid in debugging

proc ntlm_decode {buffer} {
    dict set dec signature [string range $buffer 0 7]
    binary scan [string range $buffer 8 11] iu type
    dict set dec type $type
    switch -- $type {
        1 {
            binary scan [string range $buffer 12 15] iu flags
        2 { 
            binary scan [string range $buffer 20 23] iu flags
        3 { 
            binary scan [string range $buffer 60 63] iu flags
    foreach     {value flag} {
        0x1         {Negotiate Unicode}
        0x2         {Negotiate OEM}
        0x4         {Request Target}
        0x8         {Unknown 0x8}
        0x10        {Negotiate Sign}
        0x20        {Negotiate Seal}
        0x40        {Negotiate Datagram Style}
        0x80        {Negotiate Lan Manager Key}
        0x100       {Negotiate Netware}
        0x200       {Negotiate NTLM}
        0x400       {Unknown 0x400}
        0x800       {Negotiate Anonymous}
        0x1000      {Negotiate Domain Supplied}
        0x2000      {Negotiate Workstation Supplied}
        0x4000      {Negotiate Local Call}
        0x8000      {Negotiate Always Sign}
        0x10000     {Target Type Domain}
        0x20000     {Target Type Server}
        0x40000     {Target Type Share}
        0x80000     {Negotiate NTLM2 Key}
        0x100000    {Request Init Response}
        0x200000    {Request Accept Response}
        0x400000    {Request Non-NT Session Key}
        0x800000    {Negotiate Target Info}
        0x1000000   {Unknown 0x1000000}
        0x2000000   {Unknown 0x2000000}
        0x4000000   {Unknown 0x4000000}
        0x8000000   {Unknown 0x8000000}
        0x10000000  {Unknown 0x10000000}
        0x20000000  {Negotiate 128}
        0x40000000  {Negotiate Key Exchange}
        0x80000000  {Negotiate 56}

    } {

        if {$flags & $value} {
            dict lappend dec flags $flag

    return $dec