Posted to tcl by rmax at Fri Aug 04 12:37:17 GMT 2017view pretty

package require Tk
package require sha1
package require http
package require tls

set URL

http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
http::config -useragent "Tcl/Tk pwned password checker"

entry .in -font fixed -textvariable in -show *
label .out -width 40 -height 3

pack .in .out -fill x

proc pwned {pass} {
    .out configure -bg grey -text "processing ..."
    set tok [http::geturl $::URL/[::sha1::sha1 $pass]]
    switch -- [http::ncode $tok] {
	200 { .out configure -bg red -text "You haven been pwned! :(" }
	404 {
	    .out configure -bg green \
		-text "Your password is not in the database! :)"
	default { .out configure -text [http::code $tok] }
    http::cleanup $tok
    set ::in ""

bind .in <Control-BackSpace> {
    set in ""

bind .in <Return> {
    pwned $in
    set in ""