Posted to tcl by jima at Thu Feb 16 20:26:53 GMT 2017view pretty

# Dict is organized like:
# TS ts {LOW low HIGH high} ...

# Case 0: get the min of the LOW "column"    
set x {}
tcl::mathfunc::min {*}[
    dict for {k v} $S(iD1) {lappend x [dict get $v low]};set x

# Case 1: get the min of the LOW "column" for a range of values.
# Consider left and right point to TS keys.
# I think horrible shimmering happens heah...
set x {}
tcl::mathfunc::min {*}[
    dict for {k v} [
        lrange $S(iD1) $left $right
    ] {lappend x [dict get $v low]};set x