Posted to tcl by aspect at Fri Nov 18 03:29:35 GMT 2016view raw
- package require Tk
- pack [ttk::treeview .tree] -expand yes -fill both
- pack [ttk::frame .buttons] -expand yes -fill both
- grid [ttk::button -text "Show Errors" -command show_errors] \
- [ttk::button .buttons.hide -text "Hide Errors" -command hide_errors]
- # error takes priority because it is created first
- .tree tag configure error ;# even without any options
- .tree tag configure funny -background blue
- set br [.tree insert {} end -text "Funny" -tags {funny}]
- set br [.tree insert {} end -text "Error" -tags {error}]
- set rb [.tree insert {} end -text "Funny Error" -tags {funny error}]
- set rb [.tree insert {} end -text "Not Even Funny"]
- proc show_errors {} {
- .tree tag configure error -background red
- state disabled
- .buttons.hide state !disabled
- }
- proc hide_errors {} {
- .tree tag configure error -background ""
- state !disabled
- .buttons.hide state disabled
- }
- show_errors ;# initialise tag options and buttons