Posted to tcl by nscerqueira at Thu May 19 14:16:38 GMT 2016view pretty

package require mime 
package require smtp 
package require tls

 # tls::init -tls1 true -ssl2 false -ssl3 false 

proc send_email {from to subject body} { 

	set opts {} 
	lappend opts -servers 
	lappend opts -ports [list 587] 
	lappend opts -debug 1
	lappend opts -username user 
	lappend opts -password xxxxx 
	lappend opts -header [list "Subject" $subject] 
	lappend opts -header [list "From" $from] 
	lappend opts -header [list "To" $to] 

	set mime_msg [mime::initialize -canonical "text/plain" -encoding "7bit" -string $body] 
	smtp::sendmessage $mime_msg {*}$opts -queue false -atleastone false -usetls false 
	mime::finalize $mime_msg 
puts "in"

send_email "Twylite <>" "Person <>" \
"Test" {
This is my mail message.

puts "out"