Posted to tcl by dkf at Wed Nov 11 22:11:12 GMT 2015view pretty

# A utility for defining a domain specific language for TclOO systems

namespace eval ::oo::dialect {
    namespace export create

# A stack of class names
proc ::oo::dialect::Push {class} {
    ::variable class_stack
    lappend class_stack $class
proc ::oo::dialect::Peek {} {
    ::variable class_stack
    return [lindex $class_stack end]
proc ::oo::dialect::Pop {} {
    ::variable class_stack
    set class_stack [lrange $class_stack 0 end-1]

# This proc will generate a namespace, a "mother of all classes", and a
# rudimentary set of policies for this dialect.
proc ::oo::dialect::create {name {parent ""}} {
    set NSPACE [NSNormalize $name]
    ::namespace eval $NSPACE {::namespace eval define {}}
    # Build the "define" namespace
    if {$parent eq ""} {
	# With no "parent" language, begin with all of the keywords in
	# oo::define
	foreach command [info commands ::oo::define::*] {
	    set procname [namespace tail $command]
	    interp alias {} ${NSPACE}::define::$procname {} \
		::oo::dialect::DefineThunk $procname
	# Create an empty dynamic_methods proc
	proc ${NSPACE}::dynamic_methods {class} {}
	namespace eval $NSPACE {
	    ::namespace export dynamic_methods
	    ::namespace eval define {::namespace export *}
    } else {
	# If we have a parent language, that language already has the
	# [oo::define] keywords as well as additional keywords and behaviors.
	# We should begin with that
	set pnspace [NSNormalize $parent]
	apply [list parent {
	    ::namespace export dynamic_methods
	    ::namespace import ${parent}::dynamic_methods
	} $NSPACE] $pnspace
	apply [list parent {
	    ::namespace import ${parent}::define::*
	    ::namespace export *
	} ${NSPACE}::define] $pnspace
	set ANCESTORS [list ${pnspace}::object]
    # Build our dialect template functions

    interp alias {} ${NSPACE}::define {} \
	::oo::dialect::Define $NSPACE
    interp alias {} ${NSPACE}::define::current_class {} \
    interp alias {} ${NSPACE}::define::aliases {} \
	::oo::dialect::Aliases $NSPACE
    interp alias {} ${NSPACE}::define::superclass {} \
	::oo::dialect::SuperClass $NSPACE

    # Build the metaclass for our language
    ::oo::class create ${NSPACE}::class {
	superclass ::oo::dialect::MotherOfAllMetaClasses
    # Wire up the create method to add in the extra argument we need; the
    # MotherOfAllMetaClasses will know what to do with it.
    ::oo::objdefine ${NSPACE}::class \
	method create {name {definitionScript ""}} \
	[list next $name ${NSPACE}::define $definitionScript]

    # Build the mother of all classes. Note that $ANCESTORS is already
    # guaranteed to be a list in canonical form.
    uplevel #0 [string map [list %NSPACE% [list $NSPACE] %name% [list $name] %ANCESTORS% $ANCESTORS] {
	%NSPACE%::class create %NSPACE%::object {
	    superclass %ANCESTORS%
	    # Put MOACish stuff in here

# Support commands; not intended to be called directly.

proc ::oo::dialect::NSNormalize {qualname} {
    if {![string match ::* $qualname]} {
	set qualname [uplevel 2 {namespace current}]::$qualname
    regsub -all {::+} $qualname "::"

proc ::oo::dialect::DefineThunk {target args} {
    tailcall ::oo::define [Peek] $target {*}$args

# Implementation of the languages' define command
proc ::oo::dialect::Define {namespace class args} {
    Push $class
    try {
	if {[llength $args]==1} {
	    namespace eval ${namespace}::define [lindex $args 0]
	} else {
	    ${namespace}::define::[lindex $args 0] {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
	${namespace}::dynamic_methods $class
    } finally {

# Implementation of how we specify the other names that this class will answer
# to

proc ::oo::dialect::Aliases {namespace args} {
    set class [Peek]
    namespace upvar $namespace cname cname
    set cname($class) $class
    foreach name $args {
	set alias ::[string trimleft $name :]
	set cname($alias) $class

# Implementation of a superclass keyword which will enforce the inheritance of
# our language's mother of all classes

proc ::oo::dialect::SuperClass {namespace args} {
    set class [Peek]
    namespace upvar $namespace class_info class_info cname cname
    dict set class_info($class) superclass 1
    set unique {}
    foreach item $args {
	set Item [NSNormalize $item]
	if {[info exists cname($Item)]} {
	    set item $cname($Item)
	} elseif {[llength [info commands $Item]]} {
	    set item $Item
	dict set unique $item $item
    set root ${namespace}::object
    if {$class ne $root} {
	dict set unique $root $root
    tailcall ::oo::define $class superclass {*}[dict keys $unique]

# Implementation of the common portions of the the metaclass for our
# languages.

::oo::class create ::oo::dialect::MotherOfAllMetaClasses {
    superclass ::oo::class
    constructor {define definitionScript} {
	$define [self] {
	$define [self] $definitionScript

package provide oo::dialect 0.1.1


Posted by dkf at Wed Nov 11 22:24:59 GMT 2015 [text] [code]

Bug in line 90: should be "next \$name [list ${NSPACE}::define] \$definitionScript"