Posted to tcl by fvogel at Mon Aug 27 19:40:28 GMT 2007view pretty

   set height 400
    set width  600
    set borderwidth 2

    set hscroll .hscroll
    set vscroll .vscroll
    set canvas .c

    scrollbar $hscroll -orient horiz -command "$canvas xview"
    scrollbar $vscroll               -command "$canvas yview"
    canvas $canvas -relief sunken -borderwidth $borderwidth \
                              -width $width -height $height \
                              -xscrollcommand "$hscroll set" \
                              -yscrollcommand "$vscroll set"
        # Ensure that window resizings retain scroll bars.
    pack $hscroll -side bottom -fill x
    pack $vscroll -side right  -fill y
    pack $canvas  -side right  -fill both  -expand 1

        # Put something visible on the canvas
        # so we have a sense of what we're seeing.
    $canvas create line 0 0       $width $height
    $canvas create line 0 $height $width 0

frame $canvas.f
$canvas conf -bg red
$canvas.f conf -bg green

for {set ID 0} {$ID < 10} {incr ID} {
    label $canvas.f.lab1$ID -relief groove -takefocus 0 \
            -text hello \
            -width 24
    label $canvas.f.lab2$ID -relief groove -takefocus 0 \
            -text world \
            -width 5
    entry $canvas.f.expression$ID  \
            -textvariable expression \
            -width 30
    grid $canvas.f.lab1$ID $canvas.f.lab2$ID $canvas.f.expression$ID -sticky ew
    $canvas create window 0 0 -window $canvas.f -anchor nw
    $canvas configure -scrollregion [$canvas bbox all]