Posted to tcl by aspect at Wed Jul 01 08:12:46 GMT 2015view raw
- # itext - can't move insertion cursor
- # nstext - can't select
- package require Tk
- package require snit
- package provide itext 0.1
- ::snit::widgetadaptor itext {
- constructor {args} {
- installhull using text
- # Apply an options passed at creation time.
- $self configurelist $args
- }
- delegate method Mark to hull as mark
- method mark {cmd args} {
- if {$cmd eq "set" && [lindex $args 0] eq "insert"} {
- puts "$self $cmd {*}$args"
- return
- }
- $self Mark $cmd {*}$args
- }
- # Pass all other methods and options to the real text widget, so
- # that the remaining behavior is as expected.
- delegate method * to hull
- delegate option * to hull
- }
- ::snit::widgetadaptor nstext {
- constructor {args} {
- installhull using text
- # Apply an options passed at creation time.
- $self configurelist $args
- }
- delegate method Tag to hull as tag
- method tag {cmd args} {
- if {$cmd eq "add" && [lindex $args 0] eq "sel"} {
- puts "$self $cmd {*}$args"
- return
- }
- $self Tag $cmd {*}$args
- }
- # Pass all other methods and options to the real text widget, so
- # that the remaining behavior is as expected.
- delegate method * to hull
- delegate option * to hull
- }
- pack [itext .i]
- pack [nstext .ni]