Posted to tcl by Napier at Tue May 26 09:21:50 GMT 2015view pretty

## Other required packages.

lappend auto_path /remote/Store/Prg/tclpkg
package require uri
package require base64
package require tls

## Tuning parameters.
set tuning {
        header_lines_max 30
        request_timeout 5000
        zip_minimum 0
        zip_level 9

## Put anything httpd into an own namespace.
namespace eval ::httpd {
        ## Accept incoming connection.
        variable Directory /remote/Store/Common/Dash/atv/
        proc accept {sock ip port} {
                puts "Accept from $ip $port"
                ## Start coroutine for client.
                chan event $sock readable [coroutine ::httpd::reader$sock apply {{sock ip port} {
                        ## Return the coroutine command on first call so "chan event" can remember it.
                        yield [info coroutine]

                        ## This any the parts after subsequent "yields" are called automatically by the "chan event" mechanism.
                        try {
                                ## Start a timeout for the requests.
                                set timeout [after [dict get $::tuning request_timeout] [list ::httpd::timeout $sock [info coroutine]]]

                                ## Do nonblocking I/O on client socket.
                                chan configure $sock -blocking 0

                                ## Read requests subsequently.
                                while {1} {
                                        ## HTTP headers are ascii encoded with CRLF line ends, line buffering is fine.
                                        chan configure $sock -encoding ascii -translation crlf -buffering line

                                        ## Read the request line.
                                        set request {}
                                        while {$request eq {}} {
                                                ## Get request.
                                                chan gets $sock request

                                                ## Return control to the event loop in the blocked case.
                                                if {[chan blocked $sock]} yield

                                                ## End coroutine when client has closed the channel. 
                                                if {[chan eof $sock]} return

                                        ## Default header values.
                                        set headers {}
                                        dict set headers Accept-Encoding "identity;q=0.001"

                                        ## Read additional header lines.
                                        for {set i 0} {$i < [dict get $::tuning header_lines_max]} {incr i} {
                                                ## Read header line.
                                                chan gets $sock headerline

                                                ## Return control to the event loop in the blocked case.
                                                if {[chan blocked $sock]} yield

                                                ## It's an error to have an eof before header end (empty line). 
                                                if {[chan eof $sock]} { throw {HTTPD REQUEST_HEADER CONNECTION_CLOSED} "connection closed by client during read of HTTP request header"}

                                                ## Break loop on last header line.
                                                if {$headerline eq {}} break

                                                ## This is a regular header line.
                                                ## Remember field name and value. Repeated field values are lappended.
                                                set sep [string first ":" $headerline]
                                                dict lappend headers [string range $headerline 0 $sep-1] [string trim [string range $headerline $sep+1 end]]

                                        ## Complain about too many header lines.
                                        if {$i == [dict get $::tuning header_lines_max]} { throw {HTTPD REQUEST_HEADER TOO_MANY_LINES} "too many header lines in HTTP request" }

                                        ## Join appended header fields with comma,space (RFC2616, section 4.2).
                                        dict for {name values} $headers {
                                                dict set headers $name [join $values ", "]

                                        ## Get HTTP method, protocol version and URL.
                                        lassign $request method url version

                                        ## Parse "Accept-Encoding" header. Defaults to "identity" if none is present.
                                        set accepted_encodings [parseHeaderList [dict get $headers Accept-Encoding]]

                                        ## Respond by method.
                                        switch -- $method {
                                                HEAD - GET {
                                                        ## Handle the single request.
                                                        set data [handleRequest $method $url $version $headers {}]

                                                        ## Sort out clients which don't accept zipped content at all.
                                                        if {$accepted_encodings ne "identity"} {
                                                                ## Check if content is worth it (long enough, not already zipped internally).
                                                                if {[string length [dict get $data content]] >= [dict get $::tuning zip_minimum]} {
                                                                        switch -glob -- [dict get $data content-type] {
                                                                                "text/*" {
                                                                                        ## Go through list of accepted encodings.
                                                                                        foreach enc $accepted_encodings {
                                                                                                switch -- $enc {
                                                                                                        deflate - x-deflate {
                                                                                                                ## Zip content as raw LZW stream.
                                                                                                                dict set data content [zlib deflate [dict get $data content] [dict get $::tuning zip_level]]

                                                                                                                ## Add header field.
                                                                                                                dict set data headers Content-Encoding $enc

                                                                                                                ## Do not apply another encoding.
                                                                                                        gzip - x-gzip {
                                                                                                                ## Zip content as GZIP stream (see RFC 1952).
                                                                                                                dict set data content [zlib gzip [dict get $data content] -level [dict get $::tuning zip_level]]

                                                                                                                ## Add header field.
                                                                                                                dict set data headers Content-Encoding $enc

                                                                                                                ## Do not apply another encoding.
                                                                                                        compress {
                                                                                                                ## Zip content as ZLIB compressed stream.
                                                                                                                dict set data content [zlib compress [dict get $data content] [dict get $::tuning zip_level]]

                                                                                                                ## Add header field.
                                                                                                                dict set data headers Content-Encoding $enc

                                                                                                                ## Do not apply another encoding.
                                                                                "image/*" {
                                                                                    dict set data headers Accept-Ranges bytes

                                                        ## Send result header.
                                                        chan configure $sock -encoding ascii -translation crlf -buffering full
                                                        puts $sock "$version [dict get $data code] OK"
                                                        puts $sock "Content-Type: [dict get $data content-type]"
                                                        puts $sock "Content-Length: [string length [dict get $data content]]"
                                                        foreach {field value} [dict get $data headers] {
                                                                puts $sock "$field: $value"
                                                        puts $sock ""
                                                default {
                                                        throw {HTTPD REQUEST_METHOD UNSUPPORTED} "unsupported HTTP method in request"
                                        switch -- $method {
                                                GET {
                                                        ## Send result.
                                                        chan configure $sock -translation binary
                                                        puts -nonewline $sock [dict get $data content]

                                        ## Flush output before reading next request.
                                        chan flush $sock
                        }        trap {HTTPD REQUEST_HEADER TOO_MANY_LINES} {} {
                                puts stderr "HTTPD REQUEST_HEADER TOO_MANY_LINES $ip"
                        }        trap {HTTPD REQUEST_HEADER CONNECTION_CLOSED} {} {
                                puts stderr "HTTPD REQUEST_HEADER CONNECTION_CLOSED $ip"
                        }        trap {HTTPD REQUEST_METHOD UNSUPPORTED} {} {
                                puts stderr "HTTPD REQUEST_METHOD UNSUPPORTED $ip"
                        } trap {POSIX ECONNABORTED} {} {
                                puts stderr "SSL ERROR $ip"
                        }        on error {} {
                                puts stderr "$::errorCode $::errorInfo"
                        }        finally {
                                close $sock
                                after cancel $timeout
                } ::httpd} $sock $ip $port]

        ## Handle timeout.
        proc timeout {sock coroutine_id} {
                ## Close the channel.
                close $sock

                ## Remove the coroutine
                rename $coroutine_id {}

        ## Parse lists in HTTP header fields.
        proc parseHeaderList {list} {
                ## Go through all list items.
                foreach item [split $list ","] {
                        ## First subfield is a name.
                        set type [string trimleft [lindex [split $item ";"] 0]]

                        ## Parse other subfields. RF2616 demands quality "q=..." is the second field, but we are more generous.
                        set q 1.0
                        set ext {}
                        foreach subfield [lrange [split $item ";"] 1 end] {
                                lassign [split $subfield "="] subfield_name subfield_value
                                switch -- [string trimleft $subfield_name] {
                                        q {set q $subfield_value}
                                        default {append ext $subfield}

                        ## Remember item name by quality.
                        ## Any extension is appended to the type.
                        dict lappend ql $q [concat $type $ext]

                ## Return list items sorted by q value. Remove "q=0" row
                dict unset ql 0
                set result {}
                foreach {q types} [lsort -stride 2 -real -decreasing $ql] {
                        lappend result {*}$types
                return $result

        ## Handle a single HTTP request.
        proc handleRequest {method url version headers indata} {
                puts "Handle Request"
                puts "$method"
                puts "$url"
                puts "$version"
                puts "$headers"
                puts "$indata"
                if {$url == "/artwork.png"} {set data [serveImage -name artwork.png]} else {set data ""}
                dict set result code "200"
                # charset=[encoding system]
                dict set result content $data
                dict set result content-type "image/png"
                dict set result headers {}
                return $result
         proc serveImage {args} { 
		#### ::Tools::readFile
		### Reads the specified file and returns its contents
                ## Arguments:
		# -name : The name of the file to read in the modules Common Directory.
		variable Directory
                if {[dict exists $args -name]} {set name [dict get $args -name]} else {UCL 5 "ERROR: No Name provided to ::Tools::createFile"; return}
                if {[info exists Directory]} {} else {UCL 5 "ERROR: Variable ::DashOS::Directory Doesn't Exist"; return}
                set filePath "${Directory}/${name}"
		if {![file isfile $filePath]} {return -1}
		set f [open $filePath rb]
		set contents [read -nonewline $f]
		close $f
		return $contents

## Prepare the server.
#::tls::init \
        -certfile server-public.pem \
        -keyfile  server-private.pem \
        -ssl2 1 -ssl3 1 -tls1 0 \
        -require 0 -request 0
#::tls::socket -server ::httpd::accept 9005
socket -server ::httpd::accept 9005

## Start Tcl event loop.
vwait forever