Posted to tcl by patthoyts at Tue Aug 21 19:55:43 GMT 2007view raw

  1. ==== thread-4.4 TclThreadSend preserve code FAILED
  2. ==== Contents of test case:
  4. threadReap
  5. set len [llength [testthread names]]
  6. set serverthread [testthread create]
  7. set ::errorInfo {}
  8. set x [catch {testthread send $serverthread {break}} msg]
  9. threadReap
  10. list $len $x $msg $::errorInfo
  12. ---- Result was:
  13. 1 3 {} {can't read "::tcl_pkgPath": no such variable
  14. while executing
  15. "foreach Dir $::tcl_pkgPath {
  16. if {$Dir ni $::auto_path} {
  17. lappend ::auto_path $Dir
  18. }
  19. }"}
  20. ---- Result should have been (exact matching):
  21. 1 3 {} {}
  22. ==== thread-4.4 FAILED