Posted to tcl by aspect at Tue Feb 03 01:47:49 GMT 2015view raw

  1. wheezy with packaged tcl8.5: SUCCESS
  2. wheezy with jessie 8.6+deps: FAIL
  3. wheezy with ActiveState 8.5: SUCCESS
  4. wheezy with ActiveState 8.6: FAIL
  5. wheezy with 8.6 from source: FAIL
  7. jessie with packaged tcl8.5: FAIL
  8. jessie with packaged tcl8.6: FAIL
  9. jessie with ActiveState 8.5: SUCCESS
  10. jessie with ActiveState 8.6: FAIL
  11. wheezy with 8.6 from source: FAIL
  13. Common failure mode is "undefined symbol" loading a stubs-enabled .so
  15. .. I've just noticed at least one failed with "undefined symbol: tclStubsPtr"
  16. while others failed with "undefined symbol: Tcl_InitStubs"