Posted to tcl by aspect at Tue Dec 30 06:28:42 GMT 2014view raw
- package require tablelist
- namespace import tablelist::tablelist
- pack [tablelist .t -columns {0 foo 0 bar 0 baz 0 quuuux}]
- .t insert end {there once was a}
- .t insert end {who took a young}
- .t insert end {back of the barn}
- .t insert end {where he gave her}
- bind .t <<TablelistSelect>> {select %W}
- bind .t.body <Button-1> {press %W}
- proc select args {
- set cur [.t curselection]
- set val [.t get $cur]
- puts "select: $val"
- }
- proc press args {
- lassign [winfo pointerxy .t] x y
- incr x [expr {-[winfo rootx .t]}]
- incr y [expr {-[winfo rooty .t]}]
- set cell [.t containingcell $x $y]
- set cur [lindex [split $cell ,] 0]
- set val [.t get $cur]
- puts "press: $val"
- }
- if {!$tcl_interactive} {
- wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
- vwait forever
- }