Posted to tcl by hypnotoad at Thu Nov 06 20:31:28 GMT 2014view pretty

I keep catching your segment on Trade Lingo, and would like to add a few of the more obscure terms I encounter as a computer programmer.

It's said that the Inuit have many terms for snow. In the programming industry, we have many terms for computer bugs. 

A Heisenbug, for instance, goes away when you try to isolate it. 

A bug that is repeatable is a Bohr bug. A bug that's repeatable, but only at the right phase of the moon while holding a pencil in one's left hand while singing the star spangled banner in reverse we call a Mandelbug.

Occasionally a bug exists, but it goes unnoticed until someone reviews the code. At which point the program stops working until that bug is fixed. We call that a Schroedinbug.

A bug that comes in from the field, that the IT folks can't replicate, but we still get reports of from time to time we call a bigfoot.

A horribly embarrassing, obvious, and public bug in a software release we call a brown-paper-bag-bug.

And when you slay one bug, and two more spring forth, we call that the Hydra.

And the realm between working code and non-working code isn't as clear as black and white. There are shades of grey.

When developing new products, we often have to replicate misbehaviors in old products. Usually for hysterical reasons. We call that being "bug-for-bug compatible."

And sometimes you can fix a bug with a workaround. And sometimes the workaround is so ugly we call it a kluge around. A kluge is a rube-goldberg-esque construction in software that tends to work, but maybe for not the right reason.

Being hard at work fixing bugs we often abbreviate in texts and chats as "donuts". After the old Dunkin Donuts adds "It's time to make the donuts..."