Posted to tcl by Andr at Wed Oct 29 10:29:21 GMT 2014view pretty

I have wrote code and successfully but just display on the screen. The code below;
proc filtering {datalist} {
set result [lsort -decreasing -index 1 -real $result]
foreach item $calresult { 
if {[lindex $item 1] > 1.5} {
puts [lsort $item] ;‪#‎Just‬ display on the screen
‪#‎what‬ should code here?
set writevalues [open resulted.txt w] 
puts $writevalues $item ;‪#‎How‬ to write to txt file if $calresult
How to write the result to txt file from above proce if $calresult more than 1.5.
Thanks in advance