Posted to tcl by Amsterdam at Mon Sep 22 18:54:16 GMT 2014view pretty

#This show my eggdrop.... I would like to take out "stitle and sgenre"
#2EggRaDiO12 ¦ 03 ...::: P06o03demosRadio :::... 1 Dj: stitle: Podemos Radio #Oficial Género: sgenre: Voz del Pueblo - Cancion: Tiziano_Ferro_-#_Demasiado_Bueno 12 ( 1 para ver #los comandos escribe .help

#And this is the code...
poststuff privmsg "^B^C03 ...::: P^B^C06o^B^C03demosRadio :::... ^B^C1 \002Dj:\002 $stitle \002GĂ©nero:\002 $sgenre - \002Cancion:\002 [lrange $cursong 1 [llength $cursong]] ^B^B^C12 $songurl ^B^B^C1 para ver los comandos escribe \\002"