Posted to tcl by aspect at Sun Aug 24 04:13:33 GMT 2014view raw
- % set x [dict create x y]
- x y
- % set y $x
- x y
- % ::tcl::unsupported::representation $x
- value is a dict with a refcount of 8, object pointer at 0xb960b0, internal representation 0xd1dd80:0xcb3d40, string representation "x y"
- % ::tcl::unsupported::representation $y
- value is a dict with a refcount of 7, object pointer at 0xb960b0, internal representation 0xd1dd80:0xcb3d40, string representation "x y"
- % llength $y
- 2
- % ::tcl::unsupported::representation $y
- value is a list with a refcount of 7, object pointer at 0xb960b0, internal representation 0xd296f0:(nil), string representation "x y"
- % ::tcl::unsupported::representation [dict create x y]
- value is a dict with a refcount of 8, object pointer at 0xb960b0, internal representation 0xd56850:(nil), string representation "x y"
- % ::tcl::unsupported::representation $y
- value is a dict with a refcount of 8, object pointer at 0xb960b0, internal representation 0xd56850:(nil), string representation "x y"
- ^^^^
- ... wat?