Posted to tcl by de at Wed Jul 16 21:58:06 GMT 2014view raw
- # This is a variant of in the sense that
- # it demonstrates the problem I'm faced with with just tcl/tk core
- # (ruling out that the problem is located in the in 3224 used tktable
- # extension).
- #
- # If you run this script with any halfway recent 8.5.x or a 8.6.x
- # tcl/tk build under linux without xft support (build with
- # --disable-xft) and click on the both buttons the display changes
- # almost immediate.
- #
- # Not so, if you run this script (still on linux) with a recent
- # default build with xft support (which is, what you typically have at
- # hands). If you click first "Short text" to see something and then
- # "Long text" you see how slowly the display changes.
- #
- # With a standard windows build there isn't such a problem.
- for {set row 0} {$row < 30} {incr row} {
- for {set col 0} {$col < 20} {incr col} {
- label .${row}_$col -width 5 -textvariable text
- grid .${row}_$col -row $row -column $col
- }
- }
- button .ltext -text "Long text" -command {set text [string repeat "abcdef" 100]}
- button .stext -text "Short text" -command {set text "abcdef"}
- grid .ltext -row 30 -column 0 -columnspan 10 -sticky we
- grid .stext -row 30 -column 10 -columnspan 10 -sticky we