Posted to tcl by aspect at Fri Jul 04 23:08:55 GMT 2014view raw
- # a simple transchan to log everything that's written
- # supports [read] as well, so it can be used on bidirectional chans
- namespace eval logchan {
- proc initialize args {
- info procs
- }
- proc finalize args {}
- proc clear args {}
- proc write {x h data} {
- uplevel #0 $x [list $data]
- return $data
- }
- proc read {x h data} {
- return $data
- }
- namespace export *
- namespace ensemble create -parameters x
- }
- # test using logchan with http and tls
- proc test {} {
- package require http 2.7
- #source http.tcl
- package require tls
- proc ::http::Log {args} {puts "HTTP: $args"}
- proc tlssock args {
- set r [::tls::socket {*}$args]
- set cmdPrefix [string map [list :R $r] {apply {{data} {
- puts "SENDING :R: $data"
- }}}]
- chan push $r [list logchan $cmdPrefix]
- return $r
- }
- proc ssock args {
- set r [socket {*}$args]
- set cmdPrefix [string map [list :R $r] {apply {{data} {
- puts "SENDING :R: $data"
- }}}]
- chan push $r [list logchan $cmdPrefix]
- return $r
- }
- http::register http 80 ssock
- http::register https 443 tlssock
- # this one is fine:
- set tok [::http::geturl]
- upvar 1 $tok state
- puts "http: $state(http)"
- ::http::cleanup $tok
- # this gets an error calling [flush] in http::Connected:
- set tok [::http::geturl]
- upvar 1 $tok state
- puts "https: $state(http)"
- ::http::cleanup $tok
- }
- test