Posted to tcl by aspect at Thu Apr 17 05:22:54 GMT 2014view raw
- #!/usr/bin/tclsh
- package require Tk
- set input "" ;# what's currently in the text entry
- set sent "" ;# what has already been sent
- set rate 1 ;# max number to send per second
- set outfd stdout ;# this could be [open |...]
- grid [ttk::labelframe .f -text "Type in here"] -sticky nsew
- grid [entry .e -textvariable input -validate key] -in .f -sticky nsew
- grid [label .l -textvariable sent] -in .f -sticky nsew
- grid [button .b -text Exit -command exit] -sticky ns
- grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
- set normalbg [.b cget -background]
- fconfigure $outfd -buffering none ;# ensure we can send one char at a time
- proc every {ms script} { ;# this comes from
- if 1 $script
- after $ms [list after idle [info level 0]]
- }
- proc sendChars {} {
- global input
- global sent
- global outfd
- if {[string length $input]} {
- .b configure -background green
- set c [string index $input 0]
- set input [string range $input 1 end]
- append sent $c
- puts -nonewline $c
- flush $outfd
- } else {
- .b configure -background red
- }
- after 100 {.b configure -background $::normalbg} ;# note the different way of referencing a global
- }
- every [expr {int(1000.0/$rate)}] {sendChars}
- if {!$::tcl_interactive} { ;# this is a hack so if you [source] it into a running tclsh/wish, you can keep typing commands
- vwait forever ;# start the event loop
- }